Monday, 2 November 2015

Journal Writing Experience

After reading through the different ways of writing a journal I instantly knew what could work for me and what would not.  I immediately scrapped the idea of writing a journal from the view of somebody else, however, on deeper thought, I realised that I often imagine a parent or another teacher in the room when I am teaching, and this helps me to remain completely professional and 100% enthusiastic at all times.

For the past week, I have written journal entries and I now think I have come up with a format that best suits me

I want to be able to refer back to these so I want them to look simple and colourful so I can easily remember them.  The use of lists really works for me but I don't want my journal entries to simply be a list of words.  I aim to do a mind map for each event and then write a list of aims for improvement so they are clear in my head.

I did a bit of research into mind maps and found the creator 'Tony Buzan' to be very interesting.  In his clip that I watched he says 'the mind map is a reflection of the way the brain thinks'  You have a central idea/event and then it branches out into other ideas.  This way, I still feel like I am being creative with my reflection and letting my ideas just flow.  I think this ties in well with the Ken Robinson video I watched about the importance of creativity when learning.  I want my classes to be creative and allow my pupils to be creative, so I think I should reflect creatively too!

Here is a link to Buzan talking about the importance of mind maps and creative thinking: 

What I found was inhibiting my journal writing was the fact that I would get home from my classes or auditions and I had forgotten to either write the journal, or I had forgotten what I had learnt from class that morning.  Therefore, I like to carry my journal around with me so if an idea pops into my head it can go straight to paper!


  1. Hi Sophie! I also carry my journal around even though I don't always use because when time passes it is actually amazing the amount of information that is in there. I need to try the mind maps, but I feel like it would be hard to synthesise my feelings that way. Thanks, François

  2. Hi Sophie! I'm in the middle of completing Module 1 Task 2 and your blog is really helpful as wasn't sure the best way of approaching my journal. Did you trial any other styles of creating your journal or did you instantly begin with listing or brainstorming? I totally agree with you with regards to listing as personally it's brilliant if your on the go and have limited time during work!

  3. Hi Sophie!
    I had trouble with beginning my journal, I wasn't sure how I wanted to record everything, because I don't like to write huge amounts of information on one page because I would like to think I can refer back to it easily when needed. I haven't tried using a mind map as yet, but I think its a great idea! Will give it a go tomorrow.
    Thanks, Cassie

  4. Hi Sophie, I have also been exploring with different ideas and ways in which would work for me when beginning my journal! Your blog is really useful and I have also found carrying it around with day to day is the best way to jot down my thoughts there and then! I haven't tried the mind map idea yet but I like to see things visually so this could also be really helpful.

    Thanks, Shona :)

  5. Thanks Sophie - like the Buzan research about mind mapping . Yes I need to blog it but I did INKTOBER on my instagram - lifelonglearnerldn - need to do more of the visual - doing something everyday was a bit challenging - but repetition good and capturing the daily things useful as you say - I had these on instagram on my phone meant I could look at it as a grouping and think about them. I like all of the comments about use of journals - everyone is different!

  6. Hi Sophie - really enjoyed your blog, I was thinking maybe you could (if you get on well with the parents and they don't think its too cheeky) to get them to sign a permission form and take some photos during your classes? Like maybe if you were thinking about an exercise you really liked you could take a freeze frame in the middle to remind you about it, or likewise if a child was in the wrong position and it was something you wanted to talk about and practice in your next class, take a photo of their feet maybe? Just an idea! I just really struggle with remembering how I felt from words but when I see something visual it bounces me straight back! Thanks, Chrissie x

    1. Thats a fab idea, visual does really works for me and there are some classes where I feel i've built up the relationship with the parents where they wouldnt mind this!

    2. Yeah I tried it with one of my adult classes on Monday, I wanted to make sure they were in a safe first position as a lot of them haven't done any Ballet previously, so I filmed one of the ladies feet and we even did a little video demonstration for them to watch back!
