Monday, 7 November 2016

Interview process

I have now completed my interviews and have to say I really enjoyed being able to talk professionally to people in a similar job as me.   In all of my interviews the questions were really just a skeleton of what I wanted to ask and most interviews I asked more questions off what they said.  It was great to hear from people who have more experience than me and can definitely say I will be taking all of their ideas into my classes.  I noticed that there is two types of Early Years Dance Teachers:

  1. Teachers that teach creatively and there main aim is to allow self expression and have fun.
  2. Teachers that teach exam classes and there main aim is to pass dance exams and pass on technique.
I find that there is benefits to both practices, however, for me I would like to go down the first route of teaching with a more creative approach.

I have now started drafting my inquiry as in two weeks I will be starting Pantomime rehearsals which I know will leave me with limited time up until the New Year.  It is a slight worry but I cannot wait to get into rehearsals again.  I will be playing 'Tommy the Cat' in Dick Whittington and feel it will tie in nicely with my professional inquiry as a lot of my audience is going to be young children.  It will be interesting to see what the children find funny and what they enjoyed the most about the show.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea Sophie - send these to me so that we can discuss this stage.
